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Table 1 Simulation scenarios and key therapeutic maneuvers used to compare the Life Support for Trauma and Transport (LSTATâ„¢) with conventional monitoring equipment

From: Clinical evaluation of the Life Support for Trauma and Transport (LSTATTM) platform

Simulation scenarios

Key therapeutic maneuvers

For the anesthesia faculty and residents


   Scenario 1: Tension pneumothorax

Needle thoracostomy or a chest tube

   Scenario 2: Adult respiratory distress syndrome

Positive end expiration pressure (PEEP), increase the FiO2, consider a diuretic (furosemide), consider adjustment of ventilator settings

   Scenario 3: Cardiac tamponade


   Scenario 4: Pulseless ventricular tachycardia

Cardioversion with 360 joules

For the recovery room nursing staff


   Scenario 1: Improper ventilator settings

Adjust ventilator settings until the end tidal CO2 is 35 mmHg

   Scenario 2: Pulmonary edema

Increase the FiO2, administer a diuretic, consider intubating

   Scenario 3: Myocardial ischemia

Support airway, provide supplemental oxygen and ventilate if needed, check pulses and vital signs, call for a 12-lead ECG, consider sublingual nitroglycerin

   Scenario 4: Symptomatic hypotension with occult hemorrhage

Administer intravenous fluids, send for an immediate hematocrit level, consider a blood transfusion, place the patient in the Trendelenburg position