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Table 1

From: Survey on ICP, target CPP and MAP measurement level in patients with severe acute brain injury in different ICUs

ICP threshold (mmHg); n(%)

>15; 2 (6.7%)

>18; 1 (3.3%)

>20; 24 (80%)

>25; 3 (10%)

Minimal CPP (mmHg); n (%)

>50; 6 (20%)

>55; 4 (13.3%)

>60; 16 (53.3%)

>65 to 70; 4 (13.3%)

Maximal CPP (mmHg); n (%)

<70 to 75; 8 (26.7%)

<80; 8 (26.7%)

<85; 2 (6.7%)

No limit; 12 (40%)