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Table 1 Proposed checklist before percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy (pre and post)

From: Checklist for percutaneous tracheostomy in critical care






Confirm patient’s consent or next of kin’s assent


Is the neck anatomy favourable (no previous surgery or radiotherapy?)


Ultrasound of the neck performed? (Midline/abnormal vessels absent?)


FiO2 requirement <70 %, PEEP <10 mm Hg


Is coagulation okay? (Platelets >80,000/μl, INR <1.5, APTT <45 seconds)


Anticoagulants and antiplatelets withheld?


Gastric feeding suspended?




Airway management and anaesthesia: Dr ……………………………………………………


Tracheostomy: Dr…………………………………………………………


Minimum monitoring (ECG/SpO2/NIBP/EtCO2)


Airway rescue equipment available?


General anaesthesia (propofol + opioid) and plysis (atracurium)


20 ml local anaesthesia – 1 % lignocaine with adrenaline


Ciaglia dilatational tracheostomy (preferably with subglottic suction). A range of tube sizes and adjustable flange tube should be available


Airway toilet/suction and bronchoscopy


Tracheostomy position is confirmed by EtCO2 and bronchoscopy


Tracheostomy is secured with sutures and tapes, and inner cannula inserted


Post procedure


Check chest X-ray satisfactory?


Document in the clinical record


Review sedation and ventilation

  1. APTT, activated partial pressure thromboplastin time; ECG, electrocardiogram; EtCO2, level of carbon dioxide released at the end of expiration; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; INR, international normalised ratio; NIBP, non-invasive blood pressure; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; SpO2, blood oxygen saturation.