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Table 2 Patients classified by Shock Index: traditional vital signs presented at ED admission and at scene

From: The Shock Index revisited – a fast guide to transfusion requirement? A retrospective analysis on 21,853 patients derived from the TraumaRegister DGU®


Group I (SI <0.6, no shock)

Group II (SI ≥0.6 to <1.0, mild shock)

Group III (SI ≥1.0 to <1.4, moderate shock)

Group IV (SI ≥1.4, severe shock)

Vital signs


SBP at scene (mmHg)


 Mean ± standard deviation

136.8 (32.8)

121.9 (29.4)

105.2 (33.1)

92.9 (34.4)

 Median (IQR)

138 (120 to 160)

120 (105 to 140)

100 (90 to 120)

90 (70 to 110)

SBP at ED (mmHg)


 Mean ± standard deviation

148.4 (25.6)

124.1 (20.2)

96.9 (16.8)

70.6 (15.7)

 Median (IQR)

147 (130 to 160)

120 (110 to 138)

98 (86 to 108)

70 (60 to 80)

HR at scene (beats/minute)


 Mean ± standard deviation

83.0 (19.2)

94.0 (20.6)

103.7 (26.6)

110.5 (31.3)

 Median (IQR)

80 (70 to 95)

94 (80 to 105)

105 (90 to 120)

115 (100 to 130)

HR at ED (beats/minute)


 Mean ± standard deviation

73.7 (13.6)

91.3 (15.1)

109.1 (17.9)

122.7 (19.5)

 Median (IQR)

74 (65 to 80)

90 (80 to 100)

110 (100 to 120)

120 (110 to 135)

SI at scene (beats/minute)


 Mean ± standard deviation

0.6 (0.2)

0.8 (0.3)

1.1 (0.4)

1.3 (0.5)

 Median (IQR)

0.6 (0.5 to 0.7)

0.8 (0.6 to 0.9)

1.0 (1.0 to 1.0)

1.2 (0.9 to 1.6)

GCS at scene (points)

14 (9 to 15)

14 (8 to 15)

11 (4 to 15)

8 (3 to 14)

GCS at ED (points)

13 (3 to 15)

10 (3 to 15)

3 (3 to 12)

3 (3 to 3)

Intubation rate at ED admission

2,515 (39.3)

5,639 (47.4)

1,538 (68.3)

805 (80.7)

  1. Data presented as n (%), mean ± standard deviation or median (interquartile range (IQR)). n = 21,853; P <0.001 for all parameters. ED Emergency department, GCS Glasgow coma scale, HR Heart rate, SBP Systolic blood pressure, SI Shock index.