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Table 5 Estimated costs of renal replacement therapy (RRT).

From: Sustained low efficiency dialysis using a single-pass batch system in acute kidney injury - a randomized interventional trial: the REnal Replacement Therapy Study in Intensive Care Unit PatiEnts


SLED (using a high-flux membrane)

SLED (using an AKI membrane)


RRT costs/day (acquisition cost for the Genius and water preparation device included with €8/treatment. Number of membranes used per treatment were considered)




Overall modality costs per treatment (nursing included, without technician, physician and other medical staff)




Reimbursement for modality/day

(German DRG system)




  1. DRG: German diagnosis-related groups; SLED: sustained low efficiency dialysis; CVVH: continuous veno-venous hemofiltration.