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Table 3 Hemodynamic data before and after MRS

From: How large is the lung recruitability in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective case series of patients monitored by computed tomography


24 h preceding MRS

First 24 h after MRS

MAP (mmHg)

82 ± 9

86 ± 11

Arterial Lactate (mg/dL)

16 ± 10

14 ± 10

ScvO2 (%)

80 ± 8

85 ± 10

Fluid Balance (ml)

4,050 ± 2,724

2,538 ± 2,270

  1. MAP, mean arterial pressure; lactate, arterial lactate; ScvO2, central venous saturation. Fluid balance, net fluid balance. Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation.