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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 178 patients with septic shock receiving low-dose corticosteroid therapy

From: Early initiation of low-dose corticosteroid therapy in the management of septic shock: a retrospective observational study


Number (%) or median (interquartile range)

Age, years

66 (54-71)

Sex, male

107 (60)

Severity of illness


   SAPS 3

81 (72-90)


11 (9-13)

Site of infection



80 (45)

   Gastrointestinal tract

47 (26)

   Urinary tract

19 (11)

   Catheter related

5 (3)

   Skin and soft tissue

6 (3)


21 (12)

Acquisition of infection



129 (72)


49 (28)

Locale before ICU admission


   Emergency department

119 (67)

   General ward

59 (33)

Positive culture


At any site

104 (58)

Gram-positive only

33/104 (32)

Gram-negative only

55/104 (53)

Fungus only

4/104 (4)


12/104 (12)

Of blood

67 (37)

Gram-positive only

24/67 (36)

Gram-negative only

36/67 (54)

Fungus only

2/67 (3)


5/67 (7)

Time to initiation of antibiotic therapy, hour

0 (-5.4 - 1.4)

Appropriate antibioticsa

82/104 (79)

Organ failureb



138 (78)


109 (61)


64 (36)


67 (38)

Amount of fluid administered before vasopressor, L

1.6 (1.0-2.2)

Vasopressor (norepinephrine or equivalent) dose, μg/kg/min

0.48 (0.29 - 0.80)

Need for mechanical ventilation

124 (70)

Need for renal replacement therapy

58 (33)


78/96 (81)

Relative adrenal insufficiencyc

71/96 (74)

Time to initiation of low-dose corticosteroid therapy, hour

8.5 (3.8-19.1)

  1. CIRCI, critical-illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency; SAPS, Simplified Acute Physiology Score; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment. aAppropriate antibiotics were based on the site of infection and available cultures.; bOrgan failure was defined as SOFA score of 2 or more per system; cResults of adrenocorticotropic hormone test were available for 96 (54%) patients.