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Archived Comments for: Oliguria as predictive biomarker of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients

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  1. Diagnostic tools in kidney damage

    Heikki Savolainen, Dept. of Occup.Safety & Hlth., Tampere, Finland

    21 July 2011

    Dear Editor,

    The elegant study by Prowle et al (1) shows that diminished diuresis is a good prognostic predictor. The kidney concentration capacity has been used as one of the earliest functional tests (2).

    Renal (3) and extrarenal causes can cause oliguria and to understand them, determination of ion fluxes, erytrocytes and protein in the urine may be helpful (2). Altered excretion of proteoglycans in the urine are associated with frank proteinuria (4) and they may also be associated with a generalized capillary leak syndrome.

    1 Prowle JR, et al. Oliguria as a predictive biomarker of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients. Crit Care 2011, 15: R17

    2 Savolainen H. New uses for old urine tests. Brit J Ind Med 1989, 46: 361

    3 Munshi R, et al. Advances in understanding ischemic acute kidney injury. BMC Med 2011; 9: 11

    4 Savolainen H. A sensitive method for the analysis of urinary proteoglycans. Biochem Int 1992, 28: 475

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