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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population

From: Thrombomodulin phenotype of a distinct monocyte subtype is an independent prognostic marker for disseminated intravascular coagulation


Non-overt DIC

Overt DIC








Age in years, mean (SD)

53.9 (17.4)

53.7 (12.6)

52.8 (16.8)

57.3 (12.7)

Gender, n (%)



40 (59.7)

21 (64.5)

46 (60.5)

15 (68.2)


27 (40.3)

10 (35.5)

30 (39.5)

7 (31.8)

Clinical diagnosis, n (%)


   Sepsis/severe infection

10 (14.9)

8 (25.8)

11 (14.5)

7 (31.8)


21 (31.3)

12 (38.7)

22 (28.9)

10 (45.5)

   Hepatic failure

14 (20.9)

11 (35.5)

23 (30.3)

2 (9.1)


22 (32.8)

0 (0.0)

19 (25.0)

3 (13.6)

SOFA score

3.0 (0.0-4.0)

7.0 (5.0-8.0)b

3.0 (0.0-5.0)

8.0 (5.0-8.8)c


22.0 (11.0-35.0)

44.0 (25.3-66.5)b

22.0 (12.0-37.0)

61.5 (27.5-74.5)c

Platelets, × 103/μL

164.0 (60.0-236.0)

51.0 (33-67.5)b

133.5 (54.5-227.5)

56.5 (31.5-88.3)c

Prothrombin time, seconds

15.0 (13.7-15.9)

22.0 (19.5-24.3)b

15.0 (13.8-17.1)

21.6 (17.2-23.1)c

D-dimer, μg/mL

2.0 (0.9-4.6)

7.0 (4.6-12.4)b

2.0 (0.9-6.3)

5.5 (2.8-17.0)c

Fibrinogen, mg/dL

338 (260-451)

199 (127-272)b

303 (223-413)

272 (100-386)

Antithrombin, %

85 (60-112)

64 (32.5-81.5)b

79.5 (59-107.5)

54.5 (32.0-83.8)c

Protein C, %

67 (49-89)

27 (20-37.5)b

59.0 (38.5-85.3)

34.5 (22.0-73.5)c

Soluble tissue factor, pg/mL

68 (39-100)

98 (69-130)b

68.7 (41.1-96.8)

116.5 (93.2-138.1)c

  1. Values are presented as median (interquartile range). a'Others' refers to obstetric complications (n = 7), surgery (n = 6), aortic aneurysm (n = 3), and others (n = 6). bP < 0.05 between non-overt disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and overt DIC. cP < 0.05 between 28-day survivors and 28-day non-survivors. SAPS II, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II; SD, standard deviation; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.