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Table 2 Terminated studies

From: The acute management of trauma hemorrhage: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials


Clinical group of trauma patients

Intervention details

Comparator details

Primary endpoint

Completion/Termination date

Warming techniques for treatment of hypothermia in polytrauma

Adults, polytrauma, GCS > 9, ISS > 16 and ASCOT score = 2 to 50%

Endovascular catheter + forced air warming

Forced air warming

Morbidity during length of stay

Suspended July 2010. Insufficient numbers of patients recruited

Hypertonic fluids for resuscitation of hypovolemic shock

Adults, prehospital SBP ≤ 70, or prehospital SBP 71-90 and HR ≥108

Arm A: 7.5% hypertonic saline/6% Dextran-70 Arm B: 7.5% hypertonic saline

three arm trial

Arm C: 0.9% normal saline

28-day survival

Terminated August 2009 - no difference in 28-day survival (futility). Analysis reported earlier but not higher mortality with hypertonic saline arms.

Low dose vasopressin versus placebo in Traumatic Shock Resuscitation

Adults, SBP < 90 mmHg

Bolus vasopressin 4 U, then continuous infusion 2.4 U/hour for five hours

Normal saline

To develop new resuscitation regimens

Terminated April 2009 - poor accrual rate

  1. ASCOT, a severity characterization of trauma score; rFVIIa, recombinant activated factor VII; SBP, systolic blood pressure.