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Table 4 Spearman correlation matrix of job satisfaction and stress

From: Job description and perception of clinical research personnel working in a network of French intensive care units


Job satisfaction

Job stress

Personal work organisation

Career management

Institution’s organisation

Job satisfaction





− 0.207

Personal work organisation




− 0.166

Career management



− 0.258

Institution’s organisation


− 0.070

  1. In each case is shown the ρ coefficient for the correlation tested between the variable indicated on the row header and this indicated on the column header. The significant differences with the null value are signalled in Italic; the significant moderate correlations (0.4 to 0.7 or − 0.4 to − 0.7) are Bold. Job satisfaction was assessed with an 11-point numerical scale, from 0 (maximum dissatisfaction) to 10 (maximum satisfaction); job stress was assessed with similar scale, from 0 (minimum stress) to 10 (maximum stress). Four domains of satisfaction were assessed: training programme since joining the institution (‘training’), personal work organisation, institution’s whole organisation for clinical research (‘institution’s organisation’), and personal career management by the institution (‘career management’)