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Table 1 Role of HIF-1α in different pathogenic microbial infections

From: Unraveling the role of HIF-1α in sepsis: from pathophysiology to potential therapeutics—a narrative review

Pathogenic microorganism


The role of HIF-1α in infections



Escherichia coli

UTI model

Promotes the production of NO and antimicrobial peptides


Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Keratitis model

Enhances the activation of inflammatory cells, production of antimicrobial peptides, and ability to kill bacteria


Klebsiella pneumoniae

Pneumonia model

HIF-1α is a susceptibility factor for bacterial invasion during pneumonia


Clostridium difficile

Ileal loop model

Protects the intestinal mucosa from C difficile toxins


Staphylococcus aureus

Kidney abscesses model

Participation in abscess formation


Streptococcus pneumoniae

Pneumonia model

No significant impact


Salmonella Typhimurium

Salmonella infection model

No significant impact




Kidney tissue samples

bind the BKV promoter and enhance BKV replication



Primary human small alveolar epithelial cells

RSV replication and the glycolytic pathway



Primary monocytes

Enhance antibody‐dependent DENV infection in monocytic cells



Liver-derived cell

Increases HBV RNA transcript levels, core protein levels, cytoplasmic localization of core protein, and replication of the HBV



HEK293T cell

Involved in virus-induced hypoxic responses




Virus replication and monocyte cytokine production



Aspergillus fumigatus

A549 cells and mouse airway cells

Upregulation induces pro-inflammatory factors


Candida albicans

CA-colonized mice

Inhibits Candida albicans colonization


  1. BKV BK polyomavirus, CA Candida albicans, DENV Dengue virus, HBV hepatitis B virus, NO nitric oxide, PBMCs Peripheral blood mononuclear cells, RSV respiratory syncytial virus, UTI urinary tract infections, VACV Vaccinia Virus