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Table 1 Use of methylene blue in septic shock: pros and cons

From: Administration of methylene blue in septic shock: pros and cons



Different mechanism of action than adrenergic agents (blocks sGC activity)

Neutral effect or increased mortality in clinical trials of non-selective NO inhibitors in septic shock

Effectively increases vascular tone and arterial pressure

Other agents can also achieve this

Enables other vasopressor (norepinephrine) doses to be reduced

Lack of evidence that this is truly a beneficial effect

Easy application with a continuous infusion

No clear understanding of dosage and timing of administration in relation to norepinephrine administration

Maintains cardiac contractility

Lack of increase in cardiac output and oxygen delivery


Catecholamines are quite cheap too 

Widely available

No clear safety profile

  1. sGC: soluble guanylate cyclase