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Fig. 3 | Critical Care

Fig. 3

From: Estimation of inspiratory effort using airway occlusion maneuvers in ventilated children: a secondary analysis of an ongoing randomized trial testing a lung and diaphragm protective ventilation strategy

Fig. 3

Comparison of ∆Pes by group based on thresholds for Pocc (A), P0.1 (B) and PMI (C). There is a dose response relationship with all variables and ∆Pes, although there is more overlap in ranges for P0.1 and PMI than Pocc. Median (bar), interquartile range (box), non-outlier range (whiskers). The thresholds separating each group were set with reference to studies of adults (Pocc, P0.1, PMI) and children (PMI) [9, 21, 33]. Significant differences are shown with the ***(p < 0.001), ** (p <  0.01) based on linear mixed modeling to control for repeated measures

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