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Table 4 Standardized estimates of the structural coefficients in the model

From: The interplay between teamwork, clinicians’ emotional exhaustion, and clinician-rated patient safety: a longitudinal study




Cognitive-behavioral teamwork

Interpersonal teamwork

Emotional exhaustion

Clinician-rated patient safety



Professional role

.08*** (.02)

.15*** (.02)

.04* (.01)

.06** (.02)

Cognitive-behavioral teamwork

.63*** (.03)

.13*** (.03)

-.01 (.02)

.17*** (.03)

Interpersonal teamwork

.09** (.03)

.56*** (.32)

-.03 (.02)

.03 (.30)

Emotional exhaustion

-.01 (.02)

-.07** (.02)

.82*** (.01)

-.05 (.09)

Clinician-rated patient safety

.08** (.03)

-.01 (.02)

.02 (.02)

.50*** (.03)

  1. Estimates were constrained to be equal across time (e.g., effect of interpersonal teamwork at month 1 on emotional exhaustion at month 4 was set to be equal to the effect of interpersonal teamwork at month 4 on emotional exhaustion at month 7) to increase the reliability and validity of the estimates. Standard errors are in brackets. Model fit indices: RMSEA (root mean square error of approximation) = 0.05, CFI (comparative fit index) = 0.96, TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index) = 0.93, indicating a good fit [48, 49]
  2. * p < .05 (two-tailed test); ** p < .01 (two-tailed test); *** p < .001 (two-tailed test)