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Table 1 Demographic data in transfused patients with documented RBC length of storage

From: Association between length of storage of red blood cell units and outcome of critically ill children: a prospective observational study


Transfused patients

(n = 296)

Age (months), mean ± SD

58.7 ± 69.2

Gender (male), mean ± SD

171 (57.7%)

Weight (kg), mean ± SD

21.0 ± 23.0



   White, n (%)

215 (72.6%)

   Black, n (%)

38 (12.8%)

   Asian, n (%)

8 (2.7%)

   Other, n (%)

35 (11.8%)



   USA, n (%)

260 (87.8%)

   Canada, n (%)

36 (12.2%)

Reason of admission


   Cardiovascular, n (%)

106 (35.8%)

   Respiratory, n (%)

81 (27.4%)

   Central nervous system, n (%)

43 (14.5%)

   Other, n (%)

66 (22.3%)

Sepsis at admission, n (%)

29 (14.8%)

Mechanical ventilation at admission

156 (52.7%)

PRISM III score at admission, mean ± SD

5.5 ± 5.7

PELOD score at admission, mean ± SD

12.0 ± 9.8

MODS at admission, mean ± SD

1.5 ± 1.2

  1. MODS, multiple organ dysfunction score; PELOD, pediatric logistic organ dysfunction; PRISM, pediatric risk of mortality; RBC, red blood cell; SD, standard deviation.