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Table 5 Comparison of reports that fulfilled each OQAQ component pre-QUOROM and post-QUOROM

From: A systematic evaluation of the quality of meta-analyses in the critical care literature

OQAQ question

Pre-QUOROM (n (%))

Post-QUOROM (n (%))


Were the search methods used to find evidence on the primary question(s) stated

52 (88.1)

79 (98.8)


Was the search for evidence reasonably comprehensive?

14 (23.7)

35 (43.8)


Were the criteria used for deciding which studies to include in the overview reported?

44 (74.6)

74 (92.5)


Was bias in the selection of studies avoided?

15 (25.4)

34 (42.5)


Were the criteria used for assessing the validity of the included studies reported?

33 (55.9)

60 (75.0)


Was the validity of all the studies referred to in the text assessed using appropriate criteria?

23 (39.0)

42 (52.5)


Were the methods used to combine the findings of the relevant (to reach a conclusion) reported?

40 (67.8)

70 (87.5)


Were the findings of the relevant studies combined appropriately relative to the primary question of the overview?

29 (49.2)

59 (73.8)


Were the conclusions made by the author(s) supported by the data and/or analysis reported in the overview?

35 (59.3)

69 (86.3)0


  1. Data expressed as the number of reports that scored 'yes' for each component (percent). P-values derived from Fisher's exact test. OQAQ, Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire; QUOROM, Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses.