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Table 2 Model input data on unit costs of medical care (in 2012 US dollars) a

From: Modeling the economic impact of linezolid versus vancomycin in confirmed nosocomial pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Cost inputs

Cost base case value (rangeb)


Inpatient cost per day (general ward)

$1,973.7 ($1,480.3 to $2,467.1)c


Inpatient cost per day (ICU)

$3,415.6 ($2,561.7 to $4,269.5)c


Mechanical ventilation per day

$225.2 ($168.9 to $281.5)c


Physician/attending/intensivist visit


CPT 99233 [26]

Specialist inpatient visit


CPT 99253 [26]

Laboratory test (serum creatinine levels)


CPT 80069d[26]

Laboratory test (serum vancomycin levels)


CPT 80202e[26]

Laboratory test (complete blood count)


CPT 85025d[26]

Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy/day



Injection costs for administration



IV linezolid 600 mg

$114.6 ($86.0 to $143.3)c


IV vancomycin 1 g

$5.8 ($4.4 to $7.3)c


  1. aCPT, Current procedural terminology; ID, Infectious disease; IV, Intravenous. All costs were adjusted to US dollars using medical care component of the US Consumer Price Index [2429]. bRanges are provided for variables that were used in sensitivity analyses. γ-distribution was used for these variables for probabilistic sensitivity analysis. cArbitrary ±25% range was used. dBased on testing once every day (while in hospital) for both linezolid and vancomycin. eBased on testing once a week for only vancomycin.