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Table 3 Median (first to third quartile) FFP dose (ml/kg) administered for different pretransfusion INR valuesa

From: A national study of plasma use in critical care: clinical indications, dose and effect on prothrombin time

INR value preceding FFP treatment

Median FFP dose per treatment, ml/kg (first to third quartile)


8.9 (5.8 to 13.9)

1.6 to 2.0

9.7 (6.7 to 15.3)

2.1 to 2.5

13.8 (8.6 to 18.7)

2.6 to 3.0

13.7 (7.8 to 24.2)


15.7 (11.4 to 22.1)

  1. aFFP, fresh frozen plasma; INR, international normalised ratio. Results for FFP dose administered by level of pretransfusion INR are shown. P < 0.001 across the groups (Kruskal-Wallis test).