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Table 3 Abnormal vital signs in the first 24 hours in intensive care unit and interventions

From: Arterial hyperoxia and in-hospital mortality after resuscitation from cardiac arrest

Vital signs (means ± SD)

All patients

(N= 12,108)

Hypoxia/poor O2 exchange

(n= 8,904)


(n= 1,919)


(n= 1,285)

Highest body temperature

37.1°C (1.5)

37.1°C (1.5)

37.1°C (1.4)

37.1°C (1.5)

Lowest body temperature

34.9°C (1.7)

34.9°C (1.7)

34.8°C (1.8)

34.7°C (1.7)

Highest heart rate, beats/min

108 (28)

109 (28)

104 (26)

108 (28)

Highest respiratory rate, breaths/min

22.0 (9.0)

22.2 (9.0)

21.4 (9.2)

21.4 (9.0)

Lowest systolic blood pressure, mmHg

88.6 (25.1)

87.3 (25.0)

94.1 (22.8)

88.9 (27.2)

Lowest mean arterial pressure, mmHg

62.3 (16.0)

61.5 (15.8)

66.2 (14.5)

62.5 (18.0)

Lowest glucose level first 24 hours

6.9 (3.9)

6.9 (4.0)

6.4 (3.1)

6.9 (3.6)

Body temperature, n (%)


   Highest temperature <34°C

860 (7)

639 (7)

90 (5)

131 (10)

   Lowest temperature <34°C

4031 (33)

2918 (33)

659 (34)

454 (35)