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Table 4 suPAR serum concentrations and association with survival

From: Circulating soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor is stably elevated during the first week of treatment in the intensive care unit and predicts mortality in critically ill patients



Day 3

Day 7

Survivor ICU

n = 180

n = 135

n = 87

suPAR median (range)(ng/mL)

9.47 (0 to 20)

10.07 (2.3 to 20)

10.93 (3.6 to 20)

Death ICU

n = 61

n = 51

n = 34

suPAR median (range) (ng/mL)

11.73 (3.4 to 20)

14.01 (3.2 to 20)

14.46 (5.6 to 20)

Survivor overall

n = 116

n = 95

n = 58

suPAR median (range) (ng/mL)

7.98 (2.31 to 20)

9.84 (2.33 to 20)

10.66 (3.67 to 20)

Death overall

n = 115

n = 85

n = 60

suPAR median (range) (ng/mL)

11.25 (0 to 20)

12.10 (3.10 to 20)

12.75 (5.38 to 20)