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  1. The production of superantigenic exotoxins by Gram positive bacteria underlies the pathology of toxic shock syndrome. Future treatment strategies for superantigen-mediated diseases are likely to be directed at...

    Authors: Martin Llewelyn and Jonathan Cohen
    Citation: Critical Care 2001 5:53
  2. The upper airway is an organ not often investigated. Relatively little is known about its complex functions, and misunderstandings abound. The paper by Thomachot et al in this issue provides an opportunity to pon...

    Authors: Maire P Shelly
    Citation: Critical Care 2001 5:1
  3. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) was first described in 1977 for the treatment of diuretic-unresponsive fluid overload in the intensive care unit (ICU). Since that time this treatment has undergone ...

    Authors: Rinaldo Bellomo and Claudio Ronco
    Citation: Critical Care 2000 4:339