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Table 1 Potential benefits and challenges of the “ICU without border” concept

From: ICU without borders

Potential benefits


Early recognition of deterioration

Need for sufficient number of staff

Prompt advice to the ward staff

Requires broad training program for critical care team

Timely admission to ICU if required

Risk of de-skilling of ward staff

Continuity of care

Need for tight governance structure and regulatory framework

Sharing of knowledge and cross-fertilisation

Model relies on trust, respect and collaboration between staff members

Potentially earlier discharge from ICU

Requires flexible infrastructure in non-critical areas

Support for patients discharged from ICU

Need for investment (telemedicine, training)

Support of ward staff receiving patients from ICU

Requirement for agreed admission and transfer criteria

Avoidance of unnecessary patient moves/transfers

Uncertainty about cost effectiveness

Less delays/waste of resources


Opportunities for multidisciplinary research


Mutual aid during a pandemic /natural disaster


Preparedness for epidemics / disasters


Support of patients at home (before and after hospitalisation)

  1. ICU intensive care unit