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Fig. 2 | Critical Care

Fig. 2

From: Oxygenation thresholds for invasive ventilation in hypoxemic respiratory failure: a target trial emulation in two cohorts

Fig. 2

Predicted 28-day probabilities of invasive ventilation and mortality by SF ratio threshold for initiating invasive ventilation. This figure shows the predicted 28-day probability (y-axis) of invasive ventilation (top) and mortality (bottom), for the primary (MIMIC-IV, left) and secondary (AmsterdamUMCdb, right) analyses, according to each threshold trigger for invasive ventilation (x-axis). The mean predicted probability is in black, 95% credible interval in white, and red lines show the mean predicted probability for each of the 3,357 (MIMIC-IV) or 1,279 (AmsterdamUMCdb) individual patients, allowing for inspection of results across thresholds for each patient. The predicted probability of invasive ventilation increases dramatically with higher SF ratio thresholds for invasive ventilation, while the predicted probability of mortality decreases slightly for MIMIC-IV and increases slightly for AmsterdamUMCdb. The variation between patients is greater than the variation between thresholds, especially for mortality

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