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Fig. 2 | Critical Care

Fig. 2

From: Association between early nutrition support and 28-day mortality in critically ill patients: the FRANS prospective nutrition cohort study

Fig. 2

Ten-day evolution of early nutrition type and caloric intake. Alluvial plot showing the trend for the distribution of the different nutrition types per day for the 10-day follow-up period (left y-axis represents the number of patients). Introduction of nutrition support increased gradually from day 1 to day 10; enteral nutrition was the predominant route. Almost half of the patients received no nutrition support during the first two days. The peak number of patients receiving parenteral nutrition was observed on D4. Mixed nutrition (EN + PN) remained in the minority during the 10-day follow-up. The blue and red curves represent the energy intake trends for patients who received early nutrition support and those who did not, respectively (right y-axis expresses the amount of energy in calories per kilo per day). When early nutrition was administered, an energy intake plateau was reached on day 3 and remained stable thereafter. In the absence of early nutrition, intakes increased linearly and progressively over the 10 days. EN enteral nutrition, EN + PN simultaneous enteral and parenteral nutrition, PN parenteral nutrition, ICU intensive care unit

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