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Table 1 Clinical characteristics

From: Severity scores for status epilepticus in the ICU: systemic illness also matters

Participant characteristic

N = 166

Age, years, mean ± SD

62 ± 15

Female, n (%)

83 (50.0)

Etiology, n (%)

 Acute symptomatica

114 (68.7)

 Remote symptomatic

33 (19.9)

 Progressive symptomatic

10 (6.0)

 SE in defined electroclinical syndromes

1 (0.6)


8 (4.8)

Seizure history, n (%)

49 (29.5)

SE diagnosed in ICU, n (%)

137 (82.5)

SE diagnosed outside ICU, n (%)

29 (17.5)

Type of SE, n (%)

 With prominent motor symptoms

96 (57.8)

  Convulsive SE

63 (38.0)

  Myoclonic SE

11 (6.6)

  Focal motor

22 (13.2)

 Without prominent motor symptoms

70 (42.1)

  Generalized NCSE with stupor or coma

30 (18.0)

  Focal NCSE without coma

40 (24.1)

Refractory SE, n (%)

99 (59.6)

Super-refractory SE, n (%)

19 (11.4)

Baseline scores, median (IQR)


6 (3–9)


4 (3–6)


3 (2–4)


59 (35–84)


16 (12–21)


22 (18–26)


56 (43–66)


8 (5–11)


 Number of antiseizure drugs, median (IQR)

3 (2–4)

 Use of any CIVAD, n (%)

58 (34.9)

 Use of ≥ 2 CIVADS, n (%)

16 (9.6)

 Mechanical ventilation, n (%)

118 (71.1)

 Use of vasopressors, n (%)

73 (44.0)

  1. APACHE-2 Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation-2, CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, CIVAD continuous infusion of intravenous anesthetic drug, EMSE-EAC Epidemiology-based Mortality Score in Status Epilepticus-Etiology, Age, level of Consciousness, Electroencephalogram, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, INCNS Inflammatory Nutritional Consciousness Neurological and Systemic Status, IQR interquartile range, NCSE nonconvulsive status epilepticus, SAPS-2 Simplified Acute Physiology Score-2, SE status epilepticus, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, STESS Status Epilepticus Severity Score
  2. aIncludes 58 patients with acute brain injury and 56 patients with acute medical condition