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Fig. 4 | Critical Care

Fig. 4

From: The sit-to-stand test as a patient-centered functional outcome for critical care research: a pooled analysis of five international rehabilitation studies

Fig. 4

Distribution of 30-Second STS scores at ICU and hospital discharge. We used thresholds to maintain physical independence for moderately active older adults 60–64 years (Rikli and Jones 2013), and normative values for community-dwelling adults aged 60–69 years (Tveter et al. 2014). Blue represents ICU discharge (n = 80), and orange represents hospital discharge (n = 58). The histogram can be interpreted using the Y-axis. Vertical bars represent the number of patients with each number of STS repetitions. The median scores were 2 (1, 5) STS repetitions at ICU discharge and 6 (3, 9) at hospital discharge. Box plots superimposed upon the histogram represent the median participant score and quartiles. The vertical, black line within the box plot represents the median, while the left side represents the 1st quartile, and the right side represents the 3rd quartile. Tails of the box plot represent the spread of scores, where the left tail represents the minimum, and the right represents the maximum. The horizontal tail lines correspond to the number of patients with the median STS repetitions at each time point

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