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Table 2 Outcomes of hospital- and community-onset sepsis

From: Hospital-onset sepsis and community-onset sepsis in critical care units in Japan: a retrospective cohort study based on a Japanese administrative claims database


Hospital-onset sepsis (n = 52,183)

Community-onset sepsis (n = 463,940)

Unadjusted difference [95% CI]

Adjusted difference [95% CI]

Primary outcome

In-hospital mortality

18,520 (35.5)

89,017 (19.2)

16.3 [15.9–16.7]

15.6 [14.9–16.2]

Secondary outcomes

Critical care unit mortality

6675 (12.8)

35,035 (7.6)

5.2 [5.0–5.5]

5.6 [5.2–6.0]

Hospital LOS

47 (61)

30 (36)

17 [16, 17]

13 [12–14]

Number of days applied with critical care charge

6 (5)

5 (4)

1 [1–1]

1 [1–1]

Days on vasopressor

4 (9)

2 (5)

2 [2–2]

1 [1–1]

Days on MV

9 (26)

4 (14)

5 [5–5]

4 [3, 4]

Days on RRT

3 (11)

1 (6)

2 [2–2]

1 [1–1]

  1. Data are presented as n (%) or mean (S.D.). 95% CI indicates confidence interval
  2. LOS Length of stay, MV Mechanical ventilation, RRT Renal replacement therapy