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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics at study inclusion

From: Predictors of response to intra-arterial vasodilatory therapy of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia in patients with severe shock: results from a prospective observational study


Median (IQR)/No (%)


(n = 42)

Age, year

61 (48–70)

Sex, no (%)



22 (52.4)


20 (47.6)

BMI, kg/m2

27.7 (23.3–29.8)

Comorbidities, no (%)



15 (35.7)


24 (57.1)


8 (19)


4 (9.5)

Heart insufficiency

11 (26.2)


16 (38.1)


4 (9.5)


10 (23.8)


15 (35.7)

Chronic renal replacement therapy

10 (23.8)


3 (7.1)

 Sepsis, no (%)

42 (100)

Side of infection, no (%)



23 (54.8)


33 (78.6)


8 (19)

 Soft tissue

11 (26.2)


3 (7.1)

 More than one

27 (64.3)

Identified pathogen, no (%)


 Gram + 

15 (35.7)

 Gram − 

20 (47.6)


3 (7.1)


11 (26.2)

 More than one

13 (31)

 Non identified

11 (26.2)

Renal replacement therapy, no (%)

32 (76.2)

Invasive ventilation, no (%)

35 (83.3)

Oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2)

200 (134–286)

 SOFA score, points

17 (15–19)

 Norepinephrine, no (%)

40 (95.2)

Norepinephrine dose, μg/kg/min

0.368 (0.212–0.598)

 Argipressin, no (%)

9 (21.4)

 Dobutamine, no (%)

4 (9.5)

 Organ failure, no (%)


Respiratory (PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mmHg)

39 (92.9)

Coagulation (Thrombocytes < 1003/µl)

32 (76.2)

Liver (Bilirubin > 33 μmol/l)

32 (76.2)

Cardiovascular (vasopressor or inotrope)

40 (95.2)

Neurological (GCS < 13)

35 (83.3)

Renal (Creatinine > 170 μmol/l)

37 (88.1)

Multi-organ failure, no (%)



0 (0)


4 (9.5)


2 (4.8)


16 (38.1)


19 (45.2)


7.27 (7.18–7.36)

Bicarbonate, mmol/l

20 (16–22)

 Lactate, mmol/l

9.2 (5.2–13)

 CK, IU/l

1748 (332–5400)

 LDH, U/l

1174 (526–3877)

 AST, U/l

267 (143–1422)

 ALT, U/l

127 (57–390)

Bilirubin, µmol/l

78 (30.5–158)

Leucocytes, 1000/µl

10.7 (7.9–21.2)

 CRP, mg/l

108 (44–182)

 PCT, µg/l

5.7 (1.8–23.6)

Thrombocytes, 1003/µl

69 (34.5–141)

Simplified NOMI score, points

5 (4–7)

  1. ALT Alanine aminotransferase, ATIII antithrombin III, AUC area under the curve, AST aspartate aminotransferase, BMI body mass index, CAD coronary artery disease, CK creatine kinase, CKD chronic kidney disease, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CRP C-reactive protein, GCS Glasgow Coma scale, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, NE norepinephrine, PCT procalcitonine, PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment