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Table 1 Population, support and institutions/site for acute healthcare relief during an urban war

From: Act now! Critical care roles and obligations during an urban war





Refugees retrieval

Refugees from war area, mainly women and children

Shelter, clothing, freshwater, food and warmth

Restoring normality by enrolling in schools and providing jobs to minimize post-traumatic stress

International relief agencies

International humanitarian cooperation

Immediate medical care outside war zones

War casualties retrieved from war zones

Refugees leaving a war zone in need of immediate medical support

Field intensive care units (playing fields and unoccupied warehouses) staffed by less skilled aids overseen by some trained physicians, nurses, respiratory therapist and allied healthcare providers. Run by military units during the initial stages of triage for major natural disasters

Temporary hospitals, affiliated with permanent hospitals, already equipped with all the necessary infrastructure, and employing skilled professionals, that can be used for patients requiring immediate life support

Transfer to permanent healthcare structures for patients in need of prolonged care

Neutral neighborhood countries (i.e., eastern border of Poland)

Distributive universal care

Refugees leaving a war zone unable to be transferred

Casualties who are unable or unwilling to leave their homes and country

Smaller telemedicine-based treatment stations across the affected regions linked to remote central expert clinical decision support

Rapid deployment of expert care triage across a wide region of land where no other services are presently available

Multinational Telemedicine System Experts (MnTS) by establishing the network and a concept of operations, to be used in disaster management between countries

Multinational Telemedicine System (MnTS) for disaster response from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), under the auspices of the Science for Peace and Security Program, in Lviv, Ukraine