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Fig. 6 | Critical Care

Fig. 6

From: Lung histopathologic clusters in severe COVID-19: a link between clinical picture and tissue damage

Fig. 6

Clinical (left) and histopathologic (right) characteristics of the clusters. Continuous variables were z-transformed (each distribution has mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1) and then plotted to a common axis. Values are shown as means and SD. LOS-H, length of stay in hospital; PPVdays, days on positive-pressure ventilation (CPAP and/or mechanical ventilation); mPEEPTOT, mean positive end-expiratory pressure during PPV; cPEEPPPV, cumulative PEEP, during PPV; symptoms-to-H, interval between symptoms onset and hospital admission; N/L ratio, ratio between neutrophils and lymphocytes at specialized ward admission

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