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Table 6 Mean duration of hospitalization and costs of care excluding duration of hospitalization due to SAEs, and excluding neonates with protocol violations

From: Cost impact of procalcitonin-guided decision making on duration of antibiotic therapy for suspected early-onset sepsis in neonates


PCT-guided decision making

Standard care

P value

Excluding SAEs

Duration of hospitalization in hours

97 [48, 139]

107 [64, 146]

< 0.001*

Total costs of health care in euro

2166 [1132, 3084]

2349 [1387, 3087]

< 0.001*

Excluding neonates with protocol violations

Duration of hospitalization in hours

162 [67, 181]

159 [77, 181]


Total costs of health care in euro

3735 [1496, 4159]

3578 [1636, 4293]


  1. Data are expressed as mean + IQR (interquartile range)
  2. SAE Serious adverse event
  3. *Significant at 5% level (P < 0.05)
  4. Costs are expressed in € corrected for inflation for the year 2015