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Table 1 Characteristics of patients with sepsis

From: Impact of cumulative fluid balance on the pharmacokinetics of extended infusion meropenem in critically ill patients with sepsis


All patients

Fluid overload

No fluid overload

N (males/females)

25 (19/6)

11 (10/1)

14 (9/5)

Age (years)

67.0 (32–86)

68.2 (46–86)

66.0 (32–82)

Body weight (kg)

84.8 (59–120)

85.3 (70–113)

84.4 (59–120)

BMI (kg/m2)

28.7 (21.6–41.5)

28.0 (21.6–34.1)

29.2 (21.7–41.5)

Source of infection (n, %)



12 (48%)

1 (9%)

11 (79%)


9 (36%)

8 (73%)

1 (7%)

 Soft tissue

4 (16%)

2 (18%)

2 (14%)

 Septic shock (n, %)

18 (72%)

9 (82%)

9 (64%)

 Noradrenaline (n, %)

21 (84%)

9 (82%)

12 (86%)

 Median (IQR) dose

11.8 (2.6–29.5)

6.9 (0.4–36.9)

13.6 (2.8–29.5)

 Furosemide (n, %)

24 (96%)

11 (100%)

12 (86%)

 Median (IQR) dose

142 (81–220)

170 (125–253)

98 (67–208)

 CLcr (ml/min/1.73 m2)a

81.5 (21–174)

82.1 (21–174)

81.2 (26–157)


20.2 (11–33)

21.1 (12–27)

19.6 (11–33)


7.4 (2–13)

7.0 (3–13)

7. 7 (2–12)

 Surgery (n, %)

17 (68%)

11 (100%)

6 (43%)

 Mechanical ventilation (n, %)

24 (96%)

11 (100%)

13 (93%)

 Days of MV

9.3 (0–43)

4.4 (2–10)

12 (0–43)

 Days of AT

9.2 (3–15)

11.5 (8–15)

7.2 (3–15)


6 (24%)

1 (9%)

5 (36%)

  1. Data are numbers, percentages or arithmetic means (ranges). Abbreviations: APACHE II the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, SOFA the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. a creatinine clearance measured on day 1, MV mechanical ventilation, AT antimicrobial therapy; a A severe decrease in the CLcr (< 30 ml/min/1.73 m2) was found in two FO patients; glomerular hyperfiltration (CLcr > 160 mL/min/1.73 m2 in men and > 150 in women) was detected in one patient from the No fluid overload group