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Table 2 Comparison of outcomes between patients treated with high-flow nasal oxygen alone and those treated with non-invasive ventilation for post-extubation respiratory failure

From: Non-invasive ventilation versus high-flow nasal oxygen for postextubation respiratory failure in ICU: a post-hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial


High-flow nasal oxygen (n = 62)

Non-invasive ventilation (n = 84)

Absolute difference, % (95% CI)

P value

Primary outcome

Mortality at day 28, n (%)

18 (29%)

15 (18%)

 − 11 (− 25 to 2)


Secondary outcomes

Reintubation at 48 h, n (%)

32 (52%)

37 (44%)

 − 7 (− 23 to 9)


Reintubation up until ICU discharge, n (%)

35 (56%)

40 (48%)

 − 9 (− 24 to 7)


Mortality of reintubated patients, n (%)

11/35 (31%)

12/40 (30%)

 − 1 (− 22 to 19)


Interval between the onset of respiratory failure and reintubation, hours

3.0 [1.3–10.5]

5.1 [1.8–18.0]


Length of stay in ICU, days

8 [4–14]

8 [5–17]


Mortality in ICU, n (%)

14 (23%)

16 (19%)

 − 4 (− 17 to 9)


Mortality at day 90, n (%)

24 (39%)

26 (31%)

 − 8 (− 23 to 8)


  1. Continuous variables are given in mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range, IQR 25th–75th percentiles] according to their distribution