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Table 2 Main outcomes with regard to the initial cardiac rhythm

From: Effect of intra-arrest trans-nasal evaporative cooling in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a pooled individual participant data analysis


Shockable rhythms

Non-shockable rhythms

Intervention (n = 158)

Control (n = 167)

Intervention (n = 250)

Control (n = 267)

Primary outcome

Survival with favourable neurological outcome at hospital discharge [n (%)]

54 (34.2)

40 (24.0)a

10 (4.0)

13 (4.9)

Secondary outcomes

Survival at hospital discharge [n (%)]

63 (39.9)

51 (30.5)

14 (5.6)

17 (6.4)

ROSC on scene [n (%)]

100 (63.2)

110 (65.8)

99 (39.6)

102 (38.2)

Hospital admission [n (%)]

98 (62.0)

99 (59.3)

78 (31.2)

84 (31.5)

ICU length of stay (days)

4 [2–8]

3 [1–7]a

3 [1–5]

2 [1–5]

Days on mechanical ventilation

3 [2–5]

3 [1–5]

2 [1–4]

2 [1–5]

Hospital length of stay (days)

6 [2–14]

5 [2–15]a

3 [1–5]

2 [1–5]

Complete neurological recovery [n (%)]

40 (25.3)

27 (16.2)a

4 (1.6)

5 (1.9)

  1. Data are presented as count (%) or median [IQRs]
  2. ap value < 0.05 between intervention and control group