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Table 3 Hemostatic data for the two groups

From: Anti-Xa activity and hemorrhagic events under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): a multicenter cohort study


Bleeding group (n = 35)

Non-bleeding group (n = 86)

p value

Heparin doses


 Mean dose (IU/kg/h)

11 [7–16]

12 [8–15]


 Dose at the occurrence of bleeding (IU/kg/h)

13 [7–16]

Anti-Xa (IU/mL)


 Mean anti-Xa during ECMO support

0.38 [0.29–0.67]

0.33 [0.22–0.42]


 Maximum anti-Xa

0.83 [0.47–1.46]

0.66 [0.36–0.91]


 Anti-Xa at the occurrence of bleeding

0.33 [0.15–0.50]

Platelet function


 Minimum platelets during ECMO (/mm3)

93 [57–162]

91 [60–120]


 Platelets at the occurrence of bleeding (/mm3)

109 [63–178]

 Antiplatelet agents during ECMO, n (%)

24 (68)

59 (69)


Hemorrhagic complications


 Needing 2 packed RBC or more / drop of hemoglobin of 2 g/dL or more

23 (66)

 Characterized by its location

12 (34)

 Needing specific intervention

11 (31)

 Delay between ECMO and hemorrhage (days)

3 [2–6]

Type of bleeding, n (%)


 Intracerebral hemorrhage

9 (26)

 Bleeding on cannula site

14 (40)

 Oropharyngeal bleeding

7 (20)

 Pericardial bleeding

3 (9)

 Pulmonary hemorrhage

2 (6)


2 (6)

 Gastrointestinal bleeding

1 (3)


1 (3)

 Massive metrorrhagia

1 (3)

 Multiple-site bleeding

7 (20)

Bleeding leading to death, n (%)

8 (23)

Number of packed RBC during ECMO

7 [4–13]

2 [0–5]

< 0.0001

Thrombotic complications, n (%)

8 (23)

20 (23)


 Ischemic stroke

4 (11)

6 (7)

 Membrane oxygenation replacement needed

2 (8)

4 (5)

 Limb ischemia

0 (0)

3 (3)

 Deep vein thrombosis

3 (9)

8 (9)

30-day mortality, n (%)

17 (48)

20 (24)


  1. Data reported as count (percentage) or median [interquartile range]
  2. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; RBC, red blood cells