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Table 1 Patient characteristics and laboratory measurements

From: Blood purification with a cytokine adsorber for the elimination of myoglobin in critically ill patients with severe rhabdomyolysis


n (%) or median [Range: min, max]

Patient characteristics

 Age (years)

56 [18, 84]

 Gender: male/female

33 (76.7)/10 (23.3)

 BMI (kg/m2)

26.7 [15.2, 45.0]

 ECMO therapy

14 (32.6)

 Days at ICU till treatment

2 [0, 30]

 7-day mortality

11 (25.6)

 In-hospital mortality

29 (67.4)

 SOFA score on treatment day

19 [8, 23]

 SAPS II on treatment day

80 [40, 115]

Laboratory measurements

 Myoglobin d-1 (ng/ml)

9938 [1253, 260,000]

 Myoglobin d0 (ng/ml)

25,281 [7033, 252,000]

 Myoglobin d1 (ng/ml)

22,871 [3548, 163,000]

 CK d-1 (U/l)

2389 [96, 33,643]

 CK d0 (U/l)

6752 [855, 200,000]

 CK d1 (U/l)

6652 [822, 90,350]

  1. BMI body mass index, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ICU intensive care unit, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score, CK creatine kinase, d day