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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics at baseline

From: Effect of therapeutic plasma exchange on endothelial activation and coagulation-related parameters in septic shock


Median (IQR)/n (%)

Age, years

53 (35–59)

Sex, n (%)


22 (71)


9 (29)

BMI, kg/m2

26 (20.7–31.6)

Sepsis onset, n (%)


19 (61.3)


12 (38.7)

Side of infection, n (%)


17 (54.8)


7 (22.6)


1 (3.2)

 Soft tissue

4 (12.9)


1 (3.2)

 More than one

1 (3.2)

Identified pathogen, n (%)


5 (16.1)


9 (29)


2 (6.4)


1 (3.2)

 More than one

4 (12.9)


10 (32.3)


18 (16–20)

Norepinephrine dose, μg/kg/min

0.801 (0.561–1.079)

CRP, mg/L

290 (159–327)

PCT, μg/L

26 (14–73)

Mechanical ventilation, n (%)

29 (93.5)

Oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2)

127 (92–195)

Renal replacement therapy, n (%)

21 (67.7)

  1. Given are the demographic and clinical characteristics at the time of study inclusion before TPE treatment. Values are presented as median (25 to 75% interquartile range) or if categorical as numbers and percentages
  2. BMI body mass index, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, CRP C-reactive protein, PCT procalcitonin