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Table 1 Physician and nurse CAESAR scores

From: Assessing physicians’ and nurses’ experience of dying and death in the ICU: development of the CAESAR-P and the CAESAR-N instruments

Items for physicians and nurses

Physician, median score (IQR)

Nurse, median score (IQR)

1. Was an EOL palliative care approach clearly decided for the patient?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

4 (4–5)

2. Was the decision to withhold or withdraw treatment clearly documented in the medical report?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

4 (4–5)

3. Do you think the patient received excessive or futile care?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

5 (4–5)

4 (4–5)

4. Was the patient able to communicate with you during his/her ICU stay?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–4)

4 (4–4)

5. Was the patient’s pain under control?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

5 (4–5)

6. Was the patient able to breathe comfortably?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–4)

4 (3–4)

7. In your opinion, was the patient’s dignity respected?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

5 (4–5)

5 (4–5)

8. Did the relatives pay regular visits to the patient?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

5 (4–5)

5 (4–5)

9. Did the ICU team discuss the patient’s EOL wishes with the patient him/herself or with the relatives?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

4 (3–5)

10. Were the relatives at the patient’s bedside at the time of death?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

4 (3–4)

11. During the patient’s ICU stay, did the relatives receive support from a psychologist?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable, 5, comforting

4 (4–4)

4 (4–5)

12. Are you satisfied with the patient’s overall quality of dying and death?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

4 (4–5)

13. If the patient had been your relative, would you have been satisfied with his/her EOL?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

4 (3–5)

Specific physician items

14. Were the relatives able to say goodbye to the patient?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

5 (4–5)

15. Did you experience conflict with the patient and/or the relatives?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable; 5, comforting

5 (4–5)

Specific nurse items

14. Were the relatives able to have physical contact (touch, hug) with the patient?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable, 5, comforting

4 (4–5)

15. Were you present at the patient’s bedside at the time of death?

 Please rate this experience: 1, traumatic; 2, painful; 3, difficult; 4, acceptable, 5, comforting

4 (3–4)

  1. EOL end-of-life