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Table 4 Specific fluid therapy recommended in pre-described clinical case scenarios. All guidelines adopt a universal initial approach to fluids (do not take into consideration presenting comorbidities)

From: Recommendations for fluid management of adults with sepsis in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of guidelines


Scenario A

Scenario B

Scenario C

Shock and altered mental status

Non-response to initial management, high lactate

High lactate and likely congestive cardiac failure

Cecconi [19]

Guideline on haemodynamic monitoring in circulatory shock, not specific to sepsis. Recommendations are given in general terms and are not directly applicable to the clinical scenarios.

Dunser [22]

> 4 L crystalloid in first 24 h.

No additional specific guidance.

Warning given regarding fluid overload. No fluid if not clinically hypo-perfused.

Hollenberg [20]

250-500 ml boluses over 15 min titrated to clinical endpoints and cardiac measures of fluid responsiveness. No ceiling given (liberal).

No additional specific guidance.

No additional specific guidance.

Misango [15]

30 ml/kg crystalloid over 3 h, continue if fluid responsive.

Peripheral perfusion guided therapy.

Peripheral perfusion guided therapy. Clinical examination to detect overload.

Moller [17]

Guideline on choice of first-line vasopressor, no specific recommendations relevant to the clinical scenarios.

NICE [16]

No definitive guide without lactate.

500 ml crystalloid over < 15 min. Seek senior help at 2 L.

500 ml bolus in response to high lactate, as in scenario B. No specific guidance regarding fluid overload.

Perner [18]

Guideline on choice of resuscitation fluid, general recommendation for use of crystalloid over other fluid types; no other specific recommendations relevant to the clinical scenarios.

Reinhart [23]

500-1000 ml crystalloid over 30 min

Repeat bolus according to response, central monitoring. Target lactate.

Continue and monitor central pressures

Rhodes [9]

30 ml/kg crystalloid over 3 h

Repeat bolus according to response, including invasive and non-invasive monitoring. Target lactate. No volume ceiling given.

Clinical reassessment to detect pulmonary oedema

WHO [25]

1000 mL crystalloid immediately, continued at 20 ml/kg/h (max 60 ml/kg in first 2 h).

Between 2 and 6 h, fluid at 5-10 ml/kg/h if SBP < 90 and signs of poor perfusion continue.

Alert for signs of fluid overload (increased JVP, increasing crackles/rales): reduce rate if present.