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Fig. 1 | Critical Care

Fig. 1

From: COVID-19 patients exhibit less pronounced immune suppression compared with bacterial septic shock patients

Fig. 1

a mHLA-DR expression in patients with COVID-19 (n = 24, multiple timepoints) and bacterial septic shock (n = 241, days 1–2, 3–4, and/or 6–8 after onset of septic shock, obtained using the same methodology, data recently published [1]). Horizontal line indicates geometric mean. The dotted lines indicate the reference range in healthy subjects [5]. p value calculated using unpaired t test on log-transformed data. b–f Kinetics of mHLA-DR expression, circulating C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, leukocyte numbers, and ferritin in COVID-19 patients (individual data are shown, n = 24). The transparent grey line represents mean (b, c, e) or geometric mean (c, e) values of the entire cohort. The transparent pink line in b represents data obtained from [1] (geometric mean ± 95% CI, please note that values obtained at days 1–2 (n = 203), 3–4 (n = 205), and 6–8 (n = 133) after onset of septic shock are plotted at days 1–3, 4–5, and 6–7, respectively). The dotted lines in b indicate the reference range in healthy subjects [5]. p values next to the transparent grey line represent changes over time in COVID-19 patients, calculated using mixed model analysis (on log-transformed data for d and f). Differences between COVID-19 and sepsis patients in b were analysed using unpaired t tests on log-transformed data (p < 0.0001 on days 1–3 and 4–5, and p = 0.0015 on days 6–7)

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