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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the overall population

From: VENTILatOry strategies in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: the VENTILO Survey of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)


Respondents (n = 687)



452 (66%)


235 (34%)

Age (years)

 < 35

115 (17%)


282 (41%)


249 (36%)

 > 65

41 (6%)


 Intensive care medicine

328 (48%)


206 (30%)

 Neurocritical care

61 (9%)

 Internal medicine

35 (5%)



Post-specialization experience in critical care (years)


180 (26%)


149 (22%)

 > 10

358 (52%)

Type of ICU

 Mixed general and neuroICU

278 (41%)

 General ICU

271 (39%)

 Specialized neuroICU

130 (19%)


8 (1%)

ICU beds

 < 5

111 (16%)


196 (29%)


133 (19%)

 > 15

247 (36%)



501 (73%)


186 (27%)

Available bedside neuromonitoring


546 (80%)


149 (22%)


215 (31%)


442 (64%)

 Cerebral microdialysis

50 (7%)

 Intermittent EEG

522 (76%)

 Continuous EEG

262 (38%)


85 (12%)


209 (30%)

  1. Abbreviations: ICU intensive care unit, ICP intracranial pressure, PbtO2 brain tissue oxygen tension, NIRS near infrared spectroscopy, TCD transcranial Doppler, EEG electroencephalography, SjVO2 jugular venous oxygen saturation