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Table 2 Respiratory management of patients with stroke according to 2018 AHA/ASA guidelines [23]

From: Mechanical ventilation in patients with acute ischaemic stroke: from pathophysiology to clinical practice

Intubation and ventilation are recommended in patients with decreased consciousness, bulbar dysfunction with inability to protect the airway, or intracranial hypertension (level I).

Aim for normoxia and normocapnia (NA).

Continuous monitoring of oxygenation is strongly recommended in patients with AIS in ICU. Supplemental oxygen should be administered if SpO2 > 94% (level I).

Supplemental oxygen is not recommended in non-hypoxic patients (level III).

Hyperbaric oxygen is not recommended, except in case of air embolism (level III).

  1. AIS acute ischemic stroke, ICU intensive care unit, SpO2 oxygen saturation