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Table 1 Demographic and baseline characteristics of ICU patients with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia hospital-acquired pneumonia

From: Outcomes of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia hospital-acquired pneumonia in intensive care unit: a nationwide retrospective study


Total N = 282

Gender, male

197 (69.9)

Age, years

65 [56–74]

BMI (kg m− 2)

25.3 [22–28.8]

Reason for ICU admission

 Medical condition

167 (59.2)

 Scheduled surgery

32 (11.3)

 Emergent surgery

83 (29.4)

 Postoperative period of cardiac surgery

60 (21.3)

Previous carriage of S. maltophilia

13 (4.6)

Pulmonary comorbidities

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

51 (18.1)

 Chronic respiratory insufficiency

30 (10.6)

 Cystic fibrosis

2 (0.7)

Other comorbidities


147 (52.1)

 Congestive heart failure

66 (23.4)

 Dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease

8 (2.8)

 Liver cirrhosis

22 (7.8)

 Insulin-requiring diabetes

31 (11)

 Severe neurologic disability

30 (10.6)


 Active smoking

86 (30.5)

 Chronic alcohol abuse

47 (16.7)

 Drug abuse

8 (2.8)

Immune comprise conditions (n, %)


1 (0.3)

 HIV and/or CD4 count < 50/mm3

1 (0.3)

 Recent or ongoing chemotherapy

11 (3.9)

 Hematologic malignancy

16 (5.7)

 Solid tumor being actively treated

20 (7.1)

 Solid tumor in remission

22 (7.8)

 Immunosuppressive therapy or corticosteroids use > 0.5 mg/kg > 30 days

34 (12)

 Innate or acquired immune deficiency

1 (0.3)

Severity scores

 SOFA score at admission

8 [5–11]

 SAPS II at 24 h

47 [36–63]

Ventilator-associated pneumonia

228 (80.8)

Duration of ventilation before S. maltophilia HAP, days

11 [5–18]

ICU length of stay, days

32 [19–58]

Hospital length of stay, days

54 [30–94]

Number of days between hospital admission and S. maltophilia HAP

16 [8–27]

Number of days between ICU admission and S. maltophilia HAP

11 [5–19]


140 (49.7)

Mortality directly attributable to S. maltophilia

34 (24.3)

  1. Data are expressed as number and percentage or median [interquartile range] as appropriate
  2. BMI body mass index, HAP hospital-acquired pneumonia, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range, SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score, SD standard deviation, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, S. maltophilia Stenotrophomonas maltophilia