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Table 3 Patient subgroups stratified by NEWS and MR-proADM

From: Biomarkers and clinical scores to identify patient populations at risk of delayed antibiotic administration or intensive care admission

Patient subgroups

Patient populations stratified by NEWS and MR-proADM

MR-proADM (nmol/L)

NEWS (points)

MR-proADM (nmol/L)

NEWS (points)

MR-proADM (nmol/L)

NEWS (points)

MR-proADM (nmol/L)

NEWS (points)

< 1.77

< 5

≥ 1.77

< 5

< 1.77

≥ 5

≥ 1.77

≥ 5

Population, N (%)

425 (62.1%)

74 (10.8%)

100 (14.6%)

85 (12.8%)

Antibiotic administration, N (%)

266 (62.6%)

63 (85.1%)

94 (94.0%)

82 (96.5%)

Time to antibiotic administration (min) (median [Q1–Q4])

180 [90 – 342]

205.5 [111 – 300]

210 [142 – 315]

180 [100 – 300]

Antibiotic administration < 180 min, N (%)

108 (40.6%)

26 (41.3%)

30 (31.9%)

33 (40.2%)

i.v. to oral antibiotic change (days) (median [Q1–Q4])

1.5 [1 – 4]

4.0 [0 – 6.75]

4 [2 – 6]

3.5 [0 – 4.5]

Hospitalisation, N (%)

260 (61.2%)

63 (85.1%)

93 (93.0%)

82 (96.5%)

Length of hospitalisation (days) (median [Q1–Q4])

1 [0 – 5]

6 [3 – 11]

7 [4 – 10]

7 [4 – 13]

Infection-related readmission, N (%)

25 (5.9%)

14 (18.9%)

3 (3.0%)

9 (10.6%)

ICU admission, N (%)

7 (1.6%)

6 (8.1%)

2 (2.0%)

8 (9.4%)

Time to ICU admission (days) (median [Q1–Q4])

13 [2 – 20]

1.5 [1 – 5]

9.5 [4.75 – 14.25]

0 [0 – 0]

Number of immediate ICU admissions, N (%)

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

7 (30.4%)

Number of delayed ICU admissions, N (%)

2 (8.7%)

5 (21.7%)

1 (4.3%)

0 (0.0%)

Number of late ICU admissions, N (%)

5 (21.7%)

1 (4.3%)

1 (4.3%)

1 (4.3%)

Infection-related 28-day mortality, N (%)

0 (0.0%)

10 (13.5%)

6 (6.0%)

14 (16.5%)

Hospital mortality, N (%)

1 (0.2%)

10 (13.5%)

9 (9.0%)

15 (17.6%)

Disease progression, N (%)

21 (4.9%)

22 (29.7%)

12 (12.0%)

24 (28.2%)

  1. Number of immediate, delayed, or late ICU admissions are expressed as a percentage of the total number of ICU admissions. ICU intensive care unit, i.v. intravenous, MR-proADM mid-regional proadrenomedullin, N number, NEWS National Early Warning Score