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Table 3 Consensus statements for potential actions after positive and negative [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] testing

From: Clinical use of [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] biomarker testing to assess risk of acute kidney injury in critical care: guidance from an expert panel

Positive test (> 0.3)

Negative test (≤ 0.3)

 • Discontinue all nonessential nephrotoxins (e.g., NSAIDs)

 • Avoid vancomycin or dose adjust

 • Goal-directed fluid/diuretic management*

• Standard of care or fast-track

• Repeat [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] test if additional exposures occur

• Consider diuretics to maintain fluid balance

 • Discontinue all ACE inhibitors and/or ARBs

 • Maintain close UO monitoring

 • Review meds with clinical pharmacist

 • Retain invasive hemodynamic monitoring

 • Avoid saline


 • Consult nephrology

 • Repeat [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] test in 12–24 h

 • Consult intensive care

  1. *Includes bedside ultrasound, and functional hemodynamic monitoring
  2. Actions are listed in order of priority. High priority (> 30 out of a possible 48) was assigned to the top 5 actions. Actions that received a score < 12 (equivalent to low priority by all participants and more than 25% of participants not supporting at all) were removed from the list