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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients with septic shock

From: TCR activation mimics CD127lowPD-1high phenotype and functional alterations of T lymphocytes from septic shock patients


Patients with septic shock (n = 31)

Sex, male

19 (62%)

Age, years

72 [63.5–76.5]


60 [49.5–75.5]

SOFA (n = 29)

8 [8–11]

Charlson co-morbidity score


4 (13%)


13 (42%)


14 (45%)

Initial infection

 Abdominal infection

14 (45%)

 Urinary infection

4 (13%)


1 (3%)


12 (39%)

Type of admission


19 (61.5%)

 Emergency surgery

11 (35.5%)

 Elective surgery

1 (3%)

Microbiological documentation


8 (26%)


8 (26%)


1 (3%)


14 (45%)

Mortality at day 28

8 (27%)

Nosocomial infections

1 (3%)

ICU length of stay, days

6 [5–13]

Lactate at admission, mmol/L (n = 28)

3.35 [2.5–5.83]

Lymphocytes at day 3, G/L (n = 21)

1.05 [0.55–1.45]

mHLA-DR at day 3, AB/C

7748 [3358–15,200]

Percentage of Treg cells among CD4+ cells at day 3 (n = 20)

5.0 [3.0–6.8]

  1. For clinical parameters, categorical data are presented as numbers of cases and percentages of the total population in brackets. Continuous data and biological parameters are presented as medians and interquartile ranges [Q1–Q3]. SAPS II (Simplified Acute Physiology Score II) was calculated on admission. SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) score was measured after 24 h of intensive care unit (ICU) stay. mHLA-DR (AB/C): number of anti-HLA-DR antibodies bound per monocyte. Regulatory T (Treg): CD4+CD25highCD127low Treg cells