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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Enteral versus intravenous approach for the sedation of critically ill patients: a randomized and controlled trial


Group IV

(N = 165)

Group EN

(N = 174)

Age, median [IQR], yearsa

71 [62–77]

73 [62–78]


107 (64.8)

109 (62.6)

BMI, median [IQR]

25.9 [23.7–29.4]

26.1 [23.4–29.4]

Severe sepsis or septic shocka

48 (29.1)

64 (36.8)

SAPS II score, median [IQR]a, b

45 [38–55]

46 [38–54]

SOFA score, median [IQR] c

8 [5–10]

7 [5–10]

Type of admissiona, d


110 (66.7)

114 (65.5)


55 (33.3)

60 (34.5)

Admission from

 Emergency room

55 (33.3)

61 (37.0)


55 (33.3)

59 (35.8)

 Operating theatre

39 (23.6)

34 (20.6)

 Other ICU

16 (9.7)

20 (12.1)

Reason for ICU admissione

 Respiratory failure

97 (58.8)

101 (58.0)

 Cardiac failure

38 (23.0)

40 (23.0)

 Neurologic failure

11 (6.7)

12 (6.9)


6 (3.6)

9 (5.2)


13 (7.9)

12 (6.9)

Acute or chronic kidney failurea

30 (18.2)

43 (24.7)

Moderate to severe COPDa

50 (30.3)

53 (30.5)

  1. Abbreviations: EN enteral, IV intravenous, BMI body mass index, IQR interquartile range, SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ICU Intensive Care Units
  2. aCharacteristics used by the minimization algorithm for the group assignment
  3. bSAPS II may range from 0 to 163 points, with higher scores indicating more severe diseases
  4. cSOFA score may range from 0 to 24 points, with higher scores indicating more severe diseases
  5. dSurgical/trauma refers to admission from an operating room or postoperative recovery area
  6. eMain reasons for admission are mutually exclusive