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Table 1 Patient baseline characteristics

From: Costs, outcome and cost-effectiveness of neurocritical care: a multi-center observational study


TBI (N = 3097)

ICH (N = 949)

SAH (N = 1875)

AIS (N = 1123)

P value

Age (median, IQR)

56 (41–67)

61 (52–69)

56 (47–65)

68 (59–76)

< 0.001

 18–40 years

750 (24%)

71 (7%)

193 (10%)

42 (4%)

< 0.001

 41–64 years

1455 (47%)

509 (54%)

1201 (64%)

420 (37%)


  ≥ 65 years

892 (29%)

369 (39%)

481 (26%)

661 (59%)


GCS score, median (IQR)

9 (5–14)

8 (4–13)

12 (5–15)

12 (8–15)

< 0.001


1465 (47%)

497 (52%)

704 (38%)

313 (28%)

< 0.001


598 (20%)

172 (18%)

262 (14%)

253 (22%)



1034 (33%)

280 (30%)

909 (48%)

557 (50%)



711 (23%)

332 (35%)

1065 (57%)

443 (39%)

< 0.001

Pre-admission functional statusa


< 0.001

 Fit for work or equal

1896 (61%)

613 (65%)

1473 (79%)

717 (64%)


 Unfit for work, but independent in self-care

967 (31%)

252 (27%)

332 (18%)

275 (24%)


 Partially dependent in self-care

180 (6%)

61 (6%)

47 (2%)

110 (10%)


 Totally dependent in self-care

54 (2%)

23 (2%)

23 (1%)

21 (2%)


Significant chronic comorbidityb

267 (9%)

108 (11%)

154 (8%)

138 (12%)

< 0.001

Mechanical ventilation

2070 (67%)

640 (67%)

1241 (66%)

427 (38%)

< 0.001

LOS ICU, days (median, IQR)

2 (1–4)

2 (1–3)

3 (1–6)

1 (1–2)

< 0.001

LOS hospital, days (median, IQR)

6 (3–11)

6 (3–12)

10 (6–16)

6 (4–11)

< 0.001

TISS-76 daily averagec (median, IQR)

27 (21–33)

26 (20–31)

28 (24–34)

19 (14–27)

< 0.001

TISS-76 totalc (median, IQR)

69 (42–154)

63 (39–126)

102 (63–230)

44 (27–74)

< 0.001

APACHE II score (median, IQR)

19 (13–25)

20 (13–26)

17 (11–24)

14 (9–22)

< 0.001

SAPS II score (median, IQR)

35 (24–50)

40 (25–55)

29 (20–48)

29 (23–45)

< 0.001

SOFA scored (median, IQR)

6 (3–8)

6 (3–9)

6 (3–9)

3 (1–7)

< 0.001

  1. Abbreviations: AIS, acute ischemic stroke; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; GCS; Glasgow Coma Scale; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; LOS, length of stay; ICU, Intensive Care Unit; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; SAPS, Simplified Acute Physiology Score; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TISS-76, Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System 76
  2. aA modified World Health Organization/Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group classification system implemented by the Finnish Intensive Care Consortium
  3. bAny chronic comorbidity according to APACHE II or to SAPS II
  4. cMissing for 6 patients
  5. dMissing for 9 patients