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Table 1 Systemic haemodynamics and flow density of retina at baseline, during progressive haemorrhage, and after resuscitation

From: Feasibility of optical coherence tomography angiography to assess changes in retinal microcirculation in ovine haemorrhagic shock


Time point

Parameter (unit)


BL 10 ml∙kg− 1

BL 20 ml∙kg− 1

BL 30 ml∙kg− 1 (haemorrhagic shock)


MAP (mmHg)

117 (108; 122)

80 (74; 98)

44 (37; 72)

33 (30; 38)*

93 (76; 100)

HR (1∙min−1)

86 (85; 94)

98 (84; 108)

107 (77; 118)

107 (92; 131)

128 (112; 139)*

CI (L∙min−1∙m− 2)

2.5 (2.2; 2.7)

1.5 (1.4; 1.6)

1.2 (1.0; 1.9)

1.1 (0.8; 1.2)

3.0 (2.7; 3.8)#

CVP (mmHg)

3 (1; 10)

6 (3; 9)

2 (0; 11)

0 (0; 6)

5 (1; 9)

SVI (ml∙m−2)

20 (22; 41)

17 (15; 23)

13 (9; 18)

11 (6; 21)

24 (22; 24)

Retinal microcirculation (OCT-A)

 Flow densityWF (%)

44.7 (40.3; 50.5)

44.1 (36.5; 49.7)

38.7 (22.2; 44.1)

34.5 (32.8; 40.4)*

46.9 (41.7; 50.7)#

 Flow densityCentral (%)

45.2 (36.7; 48.6)

43.4 (34.3; 46.4)

39.2 (21.3; 42.2)§

32.5 (32.2; 40.0)§

48.6 (38.4; 50.3)

  1. Values presented as median (interquartile range)
  2. BL blood loss, CI cardiac index, CVP central venous pressure, Flow density Central flow density central ring, Flow density WF flow density whole en face, HR heart rate, MAP mean arterial pressure, OCT-A optical coherence tomography angiography, SVI stroke volume index
  3. *Significant difference vs baseline
  4. #Significant difference vs haemorrhagic shock
  5. §Significant difference vs after resuscitation